K - 2nd Grade
This is an age of exploration, curiosity, and early mental impressions. We understand that at this age kids need to have a fun, positive experience while developing the simple, yet necessary skills for future development. We develop basic movements, receiving & tracking skills, and basic sending skills. We will also introduce them to point play through games and drills to encourage more independence.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday
3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

3rd - 5th Grade
This age is an incredible developmental window. We recognize the physical changes that kids go through at these ages, and we use this time to accelerate the athletic development and movement skills involved in tennis. Along with this, this age also presents a new maturity that allows us to start teaching kids to really play the game.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday
2:45 pm - 3:30 pm

Online Training Portal:
Our online training portal is a great reinforcement of information. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Some of the exercises involve racquet control. Some require ball control. The exercises are categorized as well with footwork and technique in mind. For beginning to intermediate players, this portal serves as both the homework zone and the key to a player’s independence growing when on court. The activities are meant to be short lived but very impactful. “The Vault” is our lifeline to the players when they are not at tennis practice.
Singles Ladder
Beginning tennis players need matches to gain confidence. It is important in every sport to have opportunities to play and compete. The ladder will allow for kids to play a match twice a month to learn how to score independently, problem solve when match conflicts arise, and navigate successfully through changeovers and alternating serves. Its not about the wins or losses but about the overall development of the player and child.